My cousin LuJean pursuing CUNICO records at the home of Chris and Pearl Cunico

Cemeteries in Italia - Information about cemetery practices in Italy.

Cimbri - Cimbri Dialect

Cognome Cunico - The origins of  our CUNICO surname (includes other Asiaghesi surnames)

Cognomi - Soprannomi - Surnames and family nicknames that common to Asiago.

Comune di Cunico - A link to the web page for Comune di  Cunico

Italian Records, Names & Terms - Explanations of Italian Records, a list of common Italian names &  a few common Italian terms.

Varie ed Eventuali (Miscellaneous Items)

This page is a compilation of miscellaneous genealogical items. I will also use it as a platform to pay homage to two of the pioneers in Cunico Ancestry".

Our cousin Marilyn Bailey found a quote that sums up the work we do:


“We stand on the shoulders of those who came before us”


 Last updated 10/11/15 - (c)2007 - Barth Cunico - All rights reserved