
                                                                                        Evolution of the CUNICO name (Sachaner - Cunich - Cunico)
Albero Genealogico - Genealogy & Family Trees.

Contributi - A special thanks to those who helped in our genealogy search.

Cunico News - News, Notes and magazine articles.

Emigrazione - Gogebic Range, NM Homesteads, Brazilian Immigration, Ellis Island and Castle Garden records

Fotografie - Cunico Family photos.

- Cunico Family Reunions, past and present.

Storia di Asiago - A history of Asiago  and Sette Comune.

Varie ed Eventuali - Miscellaneous items (Italian records, soprannomes -cognomi, Cimbri, Comune di Cunico, .etc.).

Mio Famiglia - My immediate family

Introduzione - Cunico Ancestry (Benvenuti a Tutti!)

Il mio nome è Barth Cunico. Abito a Marseilles, Illinois STATI UNITI. Se sei un Cunico, per favore scrivimi un'email (sono Barth) e raccontami della tua famiglia. Puoi rispondere in italiano, sono in grado di fare la traduzione.

OK, I don’t speak Italian, but I did live in Italy for 13 months between 1999-2000. I’m very proud of my Italian heritage!
Welcome to my Cunico Ancestry page. It is our genealogy team's goal to trace EVERY Cunico in the world to their Italian roots. We can tell you for a fact, anyone who spells their name C-U-N-I-C-O has roots in the Asiago plateau (L'Altopiano). We're all related at some level!!!!!

If your family is from the Sette Comuni of L'Altopiano (now called Otto/8 Comuni), I would love to hear from you. Your surname doesn't have to be CUNICO. Email me for access to password-protected pages.

Barth Cunico


 Last updated 10/11/15 - (c)2007 - Barth Cunico - All rights reserved