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![]() Home - Back to the "Cunico Ancestry" page ![]() L'Altopiano surnames - A list of common surnames in L'Altopiano ![]() Soprannomi - Family nicknames in the Cimbri dialect) ![]() Note 1 - A note from Gerardo Rigoni about Asiaghesi surnames ![]() Note 2 - A note from Antonello Bortoli about the BORTOLI cognome and soprannomi ![]() Cognome-Soprannome - Family nicknames associated with surnames ![]() Varie ed Eventuali - Back to the "Miscellaneous Items" page ![]() Cunico Ancestry - Back to the "Cunico Ancestry" page |
The ten most common surnames in Asiago are Basso, Bau, Carli, Costa, Forte, Pesavento, Rigoni, Rossi, Rodeghiero & Stella. Below the list of surnames you will find a list of "family nicknames (aka soprannomi). Please email me if you have corrections or additions. Find where your family settled in Italy by clicking here - enter your surname in the Cognome window and click the red arrow.
Barth Cunico |
A note from Antonello Bortoli about the BORTOLI cognome:
Following is a list of
some of the soprannomi from the Families of Asiago. Family nicknames (soprannomi) in
the Cimbra dialect served to distinguish one family from another. These
nicknames go back a long way and then pass to the whole family. The
Asiago area is close to Austria; therefore, many of the names are
Germanic in origin. This list was provided by: C. D. Bonomo of Asiago - Piazza Carli 11 - 36012 - Asiago - Telefono 62150 |
Babali, Patali, Paris, Camel, Crechele, Snechele, Puferle, Nisch, Stelele, Tulele, Gieberle, Vish, Giochele, Giechele, Tinfo, Puntel. Broco, Groter, Vitadoro, Fratin, Meccele, Chejele, Pesce, Capus, Stefle, Bodel, Colombo, Catus, Pusciar, Loffar, Gheller, Puncin. Cioco, Bordoa, Camparubar, Ballot, Tuzzel, Patao, Marendata, Fiamaz, Tegnele, Menele, Title, Straz, Trotoli, Cornola, Guerdiele, Cavrot. Steccar, Pignolo, Pedrocchi, Calzin, Rampalar, Tumelar, Lebiele, Claus, Lenzle, Castelar, Kepple, Xaus, Tinle, Marcioro, Sciran, Todeschin. Poia, Raconatt, Racquarotto, Giandon, Sego, Fuso, Rocca, Pasquelle, Cogo, Rizzo, Sozio, Borenle, Lella, Parent, Canevela, Borlon. Ciucci, Staccio, Puledro, Rigon, . Pichle, Pesle, Kizzle, Ghel, Taito, Pechara, Pegola, Pell, Muller, Grabar, Magior, Polenton. Brusatera, Prezincolo, Ghetti, Capetto, Taliano, Russo, Tedesco, Franzesa, Boemo, Fiorentina, Furlana, Tirolesa, Treno, Tanasio, Corona, Foleto. Capuzella, Tomese, Risle, Scelli, Scoa, Macucchi, Ersele, Sit, Scheo, Gasparel, Mariennele, Git, Maddalene, Lodola, Ciorgolo, Belli. Shana, Chelle, Vogel, Zarnarot, Caicar, Mercant, Singar, Stival, Penarosa, Nita, Zurlo, Schenal, Bartolone, Porra, Mussa, Giechelot. Reditario, Bestia, Groz, Crestanon. Tullio, Cencio, Betle, Magnan, Borra, Sordo, Busia, Toresan, Bettinado, Scoio, Bauci, Felizon. Polda, Kramar, Casg, Ciprienle, Giungar Herle Mesele Meltar, Gelmi, Vesso, Tebiele Fraiter, Pappo, Prette, Tumas, Romenle. |
Mesenar, Bardi, Scrivi, Colonelo, Tacchi, Vaz, Tonolo, Razet, Hol, Nepolo, Coar, Bortolet, Obenar, Pezz, Mao, Ramandelo. Contentissimo, Fedela, Miele, Chiun, Parigin, Taufa, Redi, Ristar, Grassi, Zania, Gambe, Vestar, Tintinelo, Scalzaron, Stremble, Pun. Cheso, Teni, Scobio, Stin, Chigio, Creeca, Cars, Cesarina, Gnogno, Tist, Vlich, Canarina, Serie, Lavri, Steller, Mun. Giovanelli, Doppio, Marta, Chior, Ragaz, Cunsg, Goolle, Camplan, Brunle, Fif, Botegon, Capelan, Fioravante, Gambi, Flocca, Paor. Campanaro, Chioffa, Cariola, Rabotto, Cassorda, Chiorgolo, Laro, Mott, Ruffa, Rigo, Longo, Gianot, Temporale, Traia, Pretor, Terramoto. Signore, Padreterno, Baldi, Lut, Cocco, Celto, Maurar, Spadon, Cunf, Busch, Bugar, Fanton, Barbieri, Dragolo, Pistola, Pult. Vecchia, Ruggia, Vezle, Danele, Rossetto, Scacca, Siner, Reutle, Rogajolo, Russe, Sciachar, Zanetle, Sciroter, Schraun, Scampa, Maregnele. Pest, Strendi, Pagnocca, Munfalar, Aus, Bozza, Boricchi, Piron, Ottar, Corele, Cilia, Simon, Bastiani, Iozel, Bint, Covalar. Graspa, Holla, Svanzega, Gnerle, Tost, Engele, Sbindele, Suster, Ghigna, Pimpi, Mecca, Bizzer, Mestiera, Pezzetti, Polaro, Menle. Sternle, Uco, Stefanetti, Fadin, Zospedan, Triach, Vegro, Bachel, Tenti, Ragabusch, Mariida, Nichel, Melar, Magnalardo, Penna; Cerin. Guardalto, Golo, Gaugo, Vanelot, Heberle, Nicolele, Nonese, Rolf, Palanzo, Pojes, Pello, Bolf, Principe, Posterno, Grul, Paralot. |
Nics, Priidegar, Menelo, Baiz, Resciar, Matta, Landi, Carlin, Bigoli, Natt, Pinei, Nanin, Parra, Platenar, Pimpari, Squinz. Pecche, Gent, Bisachese, Faggion, Carisch, Groter, Pasg, Tabachin, Kabarlabar, Pruck, Tinti, Scalabrin, Sninf, Tuncali, Careghetta, Borton. Publa, Nes, Hatala, Faff, Strait, Cucco, Cocolo, Lott, Cajo, Caldana, Carobola, Cott, Rance, Selaro, Revese, Koff. Neve, Masain, Zocchele, Runz, Teco, Mas, Laitenar, Casat, Scarto, Moselan, Spera, Poiat, Tripp, Sech, Puch, Rutz. Rizza, Spaaza, Stuppa, Lis, Tognolo, Canerle, Peo, Spaz, Pernolo, Patatela, Mea, Caz, Tabori, Stern, Sardo, Niz. Platta, Folo, Chela, Sciavat, Plesc, Hebich, Gaigar, Petitle, Fafina, Sciaor, Chucar, Felizle, Bast, Celar?, Pippo, Schirat. Glaser, Lampo, Gozzer, Spanton, Fort, Bet, Pacca, Zalin, Tais, Zigalo, Siesa, Tonin, Ronar, Giraffa, Laan, Michelon. Podesta, Groffolo, Nappa, Scieson?, Munsc, Lenz, Soave, Rotar, Goilar, Pianzot, Veterli, Altar, Sponzio, Perlio, Stroz, Gianeson. Sansone, Totaro, Taparo, Giustina, Giechelesel, Fata, Fortaia, Zai, Cinque, Specci, Lunghi, Caporai, Lasse, Brutto, Cibo, Gallina. Sceiz, Schitto, Petta, Bisacca, Culi, Duri, Caga, Malo, Cola, Fiacca. |
In Asiago, as elsewhere in Italia, the same families remained in the
same towns for generations, resulting in very large extended families.
Soprannomi distinguished one branch of the family from another, and/or
one individual from another with the same name. “Soprannomi” in Italian means “above the name” and refers to dialect nicknames. Another very good reason for the use of nicknames comes from the “rigor of most Italian naming traditions”. The first-born son is to be named after his paternal grandfather, and the second-born son is to be named after his maternal grandfather. Likewise, the first-born daughter is to be named after her paternal grandmother, and the second-born daughter is to be named after her maternal grandmother. The children that follow, “Lord willing”, are to be named after their godparents, not to mention the naming of children after patron saints. It goes without saying that many family members, and community members, end up with the same names. Obviously this leads to tremendous confusion when families and communities are gathered and talking to and about one another, which occurs frequently. Therefore there is actually a desperate need for nicknames. When it comes to how certain nicknames are chosen for people, there are different sources and reasons. The most common categories that nicknames form out of are: a prominent physical feature, a unique behavioral trait, an interesting habit, an occupation, a place of origin, a favorite food, or a past memorable incident that pertains to the person being nicknamed. |
This list shows the association between the cognome (surname) and the