Raton, New Mexico Reunion (August 18th 2007)


A Cunico reunion was held August 18th 2007 in Raton, New Mexico. Bill Cunico graciously consented to host the main event at his ranch. Bill and Vallie Burks should be applauded for their efforts in organizing this event. Thank you Bill and Vallie!!!!!!!!!!!!

The reunion was a huge success as there were at least 220 in attendance. Some traveled great distances, and Alessandro Cunico and his wife Liliana get the prize as they came from Milano, Italia.


The following article appeared in the Raton Range Newspaper. Some of my statements were misconstrued, but overall, it got the word out.

The night before the reunion about 100 Cunico descendants gathered in the Raton Park.

Note: Chris Cunico in the wheel chair. Pearl Arnold Cunico is on his left.



  1. Take Highway 64/87 (exit 451) off I-25 and head East towards Clayton
  2. Travel 11.7 miles until you reach State Highway 193
  3. Turn right heading Southeast for 6.5 miles until you reach a dirt road labeled "TO Ranch Moore Camp"
  4. Turn right so you are heading West. Travel down the dirt road 1.2 miles until you reach a fork in the road, and take the left fork.
  5. Travel down that section of dirt road .2 miles and you will reach the entrance to "El Rancho  Cunico". Go over the cattle guard and follow the dirt road .5 miles to the house.